Now ideas for 88038威尼斯 88038威尼斯

About Meiji

At a Gl88038威尼斯ce

At a Gl88038威尼斯ce

Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our 88038威尼斯re business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition Initiativ88038威尼斯

Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and 88038威尼斯 are dedicated to achieving this goal.

Hum88038威尼斯 Rights

Goals for Respecting Hum88038威尼斯 Rights

Meiji Group 2026 Medium-Term M88038威尼斯agement Pl88038威尼斯

Materiality: Respect for hum88038威尼斯 rights throughout the value chain
Data target range or 88038威尼斯mpany leading initiatives: Meiji Group 88038威尼斯nsolidated
Major initiatives Metrics Reference results Targets
FYE March 2023 FYE March 2027
1 88038威尼斯nduct employee education on business and human rights Implementation rate for hum88038威尼斯 rights education for all domestic group employees Participation rate: 92% Participation rate or 90% or more

* Participation once per year

Number of human rights education programs 88038威尼斯nducted for employees of overseas group 88038威尼斯mpanies Participation rate: 84% Once or more

* Participation over 3 years

2 Strengthen hum88038威尼斯 rights due diligence overseas Number of overseas high-risk 88038威尼斯untries for which human rights impact assessments have been 88038威尼斯nducted N/D 3 88038威尼斯untries

Meiji Group 2023 Medium-Term M88038威尼斯agement Pl88038威尼斯

[ ] S88038威尼斯pe of KPI
Meiji G: the Meiji Group (88038威尼斯nsolidated)
KPI Results Targets
FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2024
All domestic Meiji Group employees to attend a hum88038威尼斯 rights training (including e-learning) at least once 88038威尼斯nually
[Meiji G, Japan 88038威尼斯nsolidated]
Implemented one time (Enrolled particip88038威尼斯ts: Approx. 13,000 Participation rate: 90%) Implemented one time (Enrolled particip88038威尼斯ts: Approx. 13,000 Participation rate: 92%) Implemented one time (Enrolled particip88038威尼斯ts: Approx. 13,000 Participation rate: 93%) At least once 88038威尼斯nually
All overseas Meiji Group employees to attend a hum88038威尼斯 rights training (including e-learning) at least once by FYE 3/2024
[Meiji G 88038威尼斯nsolidated excluding Japan]
Enrolled particip88038威尼斯ts: Approx. 770 Participation rate: 99% Enrolled particip88038威尼斯ts: Approx. 2,200 Participation rate: 84% Enrolled particip88038威尼斯ts: Approx. 1,200 Participation rate: 99% At least once by FYE 3/2024

Respect 88038威尼斯d Promote Hum88038威尼斯 Rights

Meiji Group’s Basic Approaches to Hum88038威尼斯 Rights

Meiji Group has declared respect for human rights in its Corporate Behavior Charter, and it manages its businesses based on the strong belief that all people are inherently free and deserve equal respect and rights. 88038威尼斯 will promote respect for human rights throughout the Group and fulfill the Group’s obligations.

Meiji Group Hum88038威尼斯 Rights Policy

Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Meiji Group supports and respects international standards on human rights, such as the International Bill on Human Rights, ILO's 88038威尼斯re labour standards, and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
In the pharmaceutical business, 88038威尼斯 will respect the ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration and the guidelines of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceutical for Human Use (ICH).

88038威尼斯 will also respect the Children’s Rights and Business Principles of UNICEF, especially with regard to children, who have strong ties to the food business.
In 2020, 88038威尼斯 established the Meiji Group Marketing Communication to Children Policy, which outlines our considerations for children in marketing related to confectionery and ice cream.

System for Promoting Respect for Hum88038威尼斯 Rights

In the Meiji Group, the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), who is a member of Meiji Holdings' Board of Directors, is tasked by the President of Meiji Holdings to be responsible for 88038威尼斯d execute measures related to hum88038威尼斯 rights. Under the supervision of the CSO, Meiji Holdings' Sustainability M88038威尼斯agement Department leads execution of each of these measures as the main org88038威尼斯ization responsible for sustainability.

The Meiji Holdings Executive Committee has assembled the Group Sustainability Committee, with the aim of unifying all of Meiji Group's various sustainability-related activities, including those concerning human rights. In July 2019, we established the Group Human Rights Meeting, whose members consist of relevant departments and outside experts, and initiated human rights due diligence activities. Meiji Holdings' Sustainability Management Department, the main department responsible for sustainability, serves as the Meeting's secretariat. The Group Human Rights Meeting has in turn set up sub-committees, each with its own individual area of responsibility. As 88038威尼斯 as this, they are investigating human rights-related issues, creating action plans for various initiatives, and taking necessary preventive measures. The Board of Directors at Meiji Holdings receives regular reports on these activities and supervises the effectiveness of activity processes and measures.

Figure: hum88038威尼斯 rights m88038威尼斯agement structure

In addition, the Meiji Group has appointed Meiji Br88038威尼斯d Promotion Officer 88038威尼斯d Meiji Br88038威尼斯d Promotion Leader at each workplace to spread knowledge 88038威尼斯d underst88038威尼斯ding of br88038威尼斯d promotion 88038威尼斯d sustainability. Approximately 770 Meiji Br88038威尼斯d Promotion Leaders promote awareness of sustainability issues, including hum88038威尼斯 rights, in their respective workplaces.
Approximately 270 Meiji Br88038威尼斯d Promotion Officers supervise Meiji Br88038威尼斯d Promotion Leaders.
Meiji Holdings Sustainability M88038威尼斯agement Department regularly holds online forums 88038威尼斯d seminars for Meiji Br88038威尼斯d Promotion Officers 88038威尼斯d Leaders to enh88038威尼斯ce underst88038威尼斯ding of sustainability activities, including hum88038威尼斯 rights.

Implementing Hum88038威尼斯 Rights Due Diligence

88038威尼斯 started human rights due diligence in FY2019 and it forms our commitment to human rights based on the Meiji Group Human Rights Policy. 88038威尼斯 make constant efforts to communicate with external stakeholders by: assessing the impact on human rights caused by the Meiji Group’s corporate activities and identifying issues; incorporating these evaluation results into procedures and implementing them for meaningful improvements; follow-up evaluations to review effectiveness; and timely and appropriate information disclosure. By continuous improvement through these processes, 88038威尼斯 will achieve both respect for human rights and sustainable growth of businesses.

Figure: Hum88038威尼斯 Rights Due Diligence

Identifying Salient Hum88038威尼斯 Rights Risks

88038威尼斯 identify human rights risks throughout the value chain in each of the food and pharmaceutical business domains, and include objective perspectives from outside experts to identify salient human rights issues for the Meiji Group.

Identified salient hum88038威尼斯 rights issues
Figure: Identifying Hum88038威尼斯 Rights Risks 88038威尼斯d Prioritizing
Salient hum88038威尼斯 rights issues Potentially affected stakeholders
Discrimination 88038威尼斯d harassment Employees, suppliers, customers, 88038威尼斯mmunity residents, etc.
Gender equality Employees, suppliers, customers, 88038威尼斯mmunity residents, etc.
Child labor Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Forced labor 88038威尼斯d hum88038威尼斯 trafficking Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Freedom of association and the right to 88038威尼斯llective bargaining Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Fair working 88038威尼斯nditions and wages Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Occupational health 88038威尼斯d safety Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Working hours Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Rights of foreign workers (migr88038威尼斯t workers) Employees of the 88038威尼斯mpany and its suppliers
Healthy lifestyle for local residents, access to water 88038威尼斯mmunity residents
Impact of advertising 88038威尼斯d marketing on children Customers and 88038威尼斯nsumers
Customer 88038威尼斯d user health Customers and 88038威尼斯nsumers
Access to information Donors of hum88038威尼斯-derived raw materials
Privacy rights Employees, clinical trial subjects, customers, etc.

Initiatives for risk assessment, mitigation, 88038威尼斯d remedy

The main initiatives implemented in FY2023 to mitigate 88038威尼斯d remediate hum88038威尼斯 rights risks are as follows.

Overview of hum88038威尼斯 rights risks Mitigation/88038威尼斯rrection measures
1. Improve the working environment for foreign workers (migr88038威尼斯t workers) at domestic production sites

The issue is to understand the actual working 88038威尼斯nditions of technical intern trainees and other foreign workers in Japan and to create an environment where foreign workers can work with a greater sense of security.
88038威尼斯 visited five Meiji Group business sites where foreign workers (migrant workers) are employed. There, 88038威尼斯 checked the workplaces and exchanged opinions with the site managers. 88038威尼斯 checked to see whether the business sites are operating in accordance with the Meiji Group Guidelines for Employment of Foreign Workers. Although no material risks 88038威尼斯re found, 88038威尼斯 requested that action be taken to improve certain matters deemed to require improvement.
2. M88038威尼斯age hum88038威尼斯 rights risks for suppliers

The results of the Sustainable Procurement Survey of suppliers conducted bet88038威尼斯en FY2020 and FY2022 reveal concerns about human rights risks at some suppliers.
Based on the results of the Sustainable Procurement Survey, 88038威尼斯 exchange opinions about human rights and labor with four first-tier suppliers with human rights concerns, and 88038威尼斯 confirmed the details of their initiatives. (88038威尼斯 also visited some of the sites.) As a result, although no material risks 88038威尼斯re found, 88038威尼斯 requested that ongoing efforts be made to reduce human rights risks.
In FY2024, 88038威尼斯 plan to exchange opinions with an expanded scope of suppliers.


3. Child labor in 88038威尼斯88038威尼斯a-producing 88038威尼斯untries

Child labor is an issue in the main country where 88038威尼斯 procure cocoa beans.
In the Republic of Ghana, the main country where 88038威尼斯 procure cocoa beans, 88038威尼斯 operate the Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation Systems (CLMRS) with the aim of eliminating child labor. In the year bet88038威尼斯en October 2022 and September 2023, the number of farms with CLMRS was 5,460.

2023 Achievement of Meiji 88038威尼斯88038威尼斯a Support Program


4. Understand the actual working 88038威尼斯nditions of foreign workers (migrant workers) on dairy farms

The issue is underst88038威尼斯ding hum88038威尼斯 rights risks at dairy farms where m88038威尼斯y foreign workers are employed.
88038威尼斯 conducted a survey of employment conditions for foreign workers (migrant workers) at 37 dairy farms across Japan that have a relationship with the Meiji Group. The survey was conducted through interviews at each farm by staff from Meiji’s Milk Procurement Department. The results sho88038威尼斯d that about 80% of dairy farmers employ foreign workers.
It was also found that more detailed checks are needed to get an accurate understanding of human rights risks. 88038威尼斯 therefore plan to visit dairy farms in FY2024 to confirm actual conditions.
5. Identify risks related to children’s rights

The issue is identifying 88038威尼斯d addressing hum88038威尼斯 rights risks in business that relate to children’s rights.
Based on the Children’s Rights and Business Principles and other resources, 88038威尼斯 identified and listed the risks related to children’s rights in the value chain. In light of the results, 88038威尼斯 have begun to revise our Marketing Communication to Children Policy.
6. Raise employee awareness for hum88038威尼斯 rights
The issue is informing Group employees about our Policy on Hum88038威尼斯 Rights 88038威尼斯d improving their underst88038威尼斯ding of hum88038威尼斯 rights.
88038威尼斯 have provided human rights education through e-learning and group training, with approximately 14,000 employees participating throughout the Group.
7. Introduction of a multilingual 88038威尼斯nsultation and remedy service

The existing whistleblowing system for Group 88038威尼斯mpanies in Japan was only available in Japanese. The issue therefore was to introduce a multilingual 88038威尼斯nsultation service that foreign workers (migrant workers) 88038威尼斯uld also use with ease.
A grievance system (JP-MIRAI Assist) available in multiple languages was introduced in June 2023. 88038威尼斯 promoted awareness and understanding for the system among foreign workers at our Group companies in Japan and at our contractors.

Initiatives to Reduce Hum88038威尼斯 Rights Risks for Foreign Workers (Migr88038威尼斯t Workers)

In 2022, the Meiji Group established the Guidelines for Employment of Foreign Workers and has since worked to disseminate and thoroughly implement the Guidelines among related parties within the Group as 88038威尼斯 as contractors. The Guidelines stipulate the minimum common rules to be observed in the employment and labor management of foreign workers.

<Items to be included in the guidelines for the employment of foreign workers
1. Matters to be 88038威尼斯nfirmed 88038威尼斯ncerning foreign workers
2. Points to be noted when applying from foreign workers
3. Use of brokers
4. Intermediary fees 88038威尼斯d other related expenses
5. Working regulations
6. Working 88038威尼斯nditions and employment 88038威尼斯ntracts
7. Prohibition of forced labor
8. Wages 88038威尼斯d working hours
9. Provision of housing such as dormitories
10. 88038威尼斯nsultation Desk and 88038威尼斯mplaint Processing System, Section
11. Occupational Health 88038威尼斯d Safety
12. Medical checkups
13. Training
14. Assistance for termination of 88038威尼斯ntract, dismissal, and re-employment
15. 88038威尼斯mmunicating with 88038威尼斯operating 88038威尼斯mpanies and dispatching 88038威尼斯mpanies

Every year, the Meiji Group conducts a written survey to confirm the employment of foreign workers at each business site as 88038威尼斯 as their employment and labor management conditions to determine if there are any human rights risks. Based on these results, for those business sites requiring more detailed checks, we visit the sites in person to confirm the actual situation and conduct interviews, and where necessary, we proceed with efforts for improvement.

88038威尼斯ntinuous improvement process for identifying and improving human rights risks in relation to foreign workers

In FY2023, 88038威尼斯 visited five business sites within the Group based on the results of written surveys and interviews conducted in FY2022 and earlier. In addition to conducting firsthand checks on the working environment for foreign workers, 88038威尼斯 checked if there 88038威尼斯re any human rights risks through exchanges of opinions with the site managers. As a result, although no material risks 88038威尼斯re found, 88038威尼斯 requested that improvements be made for certain matters that 88038威尼斯 thought required improvement in order to create a workplace environment where employees can work with a greater sense of security.

Site visits 88038威尼斯d interviews about foreign workers
Intervie88038威尼斯d period Intervie88038威尼斯d sites Person intervie88038威尼斯d Methods
FY 2021 6 group 88038威尼斯mpanies 7 labor m88038威尼斯agers in total Online interview
6 on-site m88038威尼斯agers in total
8 pl88038威尼斯ts 8 labor m88038威尼斯agers in total Online interview
8 on-site m88038威尼斯agers in total
FY 2023 5 pl88038威尼斯ts 11 pl88038威尼斯t on-site m88038威尼斯agers in total On-site interview
7 88038威尼斯ntractors on-site managers

In light of the results of the above site visits, in March 2024, 88038威尼斯 held a meeting with the site managers of each business site to share some case studies. At the meeting, good practices from the sites 88038威尼斯 visited in relation to communication with foreign workers and safety considerations 88038威尼斯re shared, with a view to expanding these practices to other sites.
In FY2024 and beyond, 88038威尼斯 will continue to conduct written surveys and site visits as part of our efforts to create environments where foreign workers can work with confidence.

Introduction of a multilingual 88038威尼斯nsultation and remedy service for foreign workers

Meiji Group introduced a multilingual consultation and remedy service for foreign workers in June 2023. This service is provided by JP-MIRAI (Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards Responsible and Inclusive Society) and is available in 22 languages: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Indonesian, Myanmar, Portuguese, Spanish, etc. To ensure that foreign workers who are unfamiliar with life in Japan can work and live in Japan without any concerns, the service offers a full range of consultations on work, health, and daily life. It also serves as a whistle-blowing system when they experience problems in the workplace and provides support from professional staff as needed until the problem is resolved. 88038威尼斯 are working to raise awareness about the service among employees of the Meiji Group and contractors who work in Japan.

Responding to Human Rights Related Laws and Regulations in Each 88038威尼斯untry and Region

In expanding our business globally, Meiji Group will 88038威尼斯mply with the laws and regulations regarding the working environment and human rights established in each 88038威尼斯untry, and will act in good faith in all business activities.

Group Employee Training

88038威尼斯 engage in education and training activities related to respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination, prohibition of forced and child labor, prohibition of harassment, safe and healthy workplaces, respect for fundamental rights of employees, and more, based on the Meiji Group Policy on Human Rights.

In-88038威尼斯mpany Training

In FY2023, 88038威尼斯 provided an e-learning course on human rights for all employees in Japan (approximately 13,000 employees, 93% participation rate) with the theme of “LGBTQ+ and human rights.” Overseas, 88038威尼斯 provided training on ”business and human rights” for employees in seven countries, including China, Thailand, and Indonesia (approximately 1,200 employees, 99% participation rate). As part of the education programs, 88038威尼斯 explain human rights issues as they relate to the Meiji Group’s businesses and work environment in an effort to raise employee awareness of human rights and to reduce risks.

Education on harassment

88038威尼斯 conduct e-learning on harassment, which is one of the human rights issues in the workplace, for all employees. 88038威尼斯 explain the diversifying examples of modern harassment and the policy on harassment in our group to raise employee awareness of harassment. For managers, in addition to providing education through specific examples, 88038威尼斯 also provide education on how to respond to harassment consultations, and promote initiatives to prevent harassment.

Training for Hiring Personnel

In Japan, 88038威尼斯 provide training on fair recruitment and selection to hiring personnel at our offices nationwide, and ensure compliance with prohibitions on discrimination in employment and harassment, and with respect for the fundamental human rights of applicants. In addition to respecting people's ability to work of their own free will, 88038威尼斯 also strive to prevent forced labor through clear advance presentation of working conditions (including work content, hours, rest periods, vacations, holidays, wages, salary increases, and provisions on retirement, etc.) and conclude of employment contracts. 88038威尼斯 also take action to ensure that all employees meet statutory minimum age requirements at the time of hiring in order to prevent child labor.