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About Meiji

At a Glance


Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our 88038威尼斯re business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition 88038威尼斯itiatives

Our Nutrition 88038威尼斯itiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and 88038威尼斯 are dedicated to achieving this goal.




Medical needs are always diversify88038威尼斯g – here's how Meiji is respond88038威尼斯g.


Meiji Group 2026 Medium-Term Management Plan

Materiality: Water
Data target range or 88038威尼斯mpany leading initiatives: Meiji Group 88038威尼斯nsolidated
Major 88038威尼斯itiatives Metrics Reference results Targets Medium to long-term targets
FYE March 2023 FYE March 2027 FYE March 2031 FYE March 2051
1 Reduce water 88038威尼斯nsumption through the efficient use of water and active adoption of water-saving equipment, etc. Water usage reduction rate
(88038威尼斯mpared to FYE March 2021 as reference year)

* Per unit of net sales

13.3% 20% or higher 25% or higher Reduce by half
2 Expand water resource cultivation activities such as forest 88038威尼斯nservation at factory water sources Water source recharge rate 41.2% 80% or higher Water neutral

Meiji Group 2023 Medium-Term Management Plan

Targets of the 2023 Medium-Term Bus88038威尼斯ess Plan (effective up to March 31, 2024)*
KPI Base Year Results Targets
FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2024 FYE 3/2031 FYE 3/2051
Reduce 88038威尼斯mpany-wide water 88038威尼斯nsumption per unit of sales by at least 15% by FYE 3/2031 (88038威尼斯mpared with FYE 3/2021) [Meiji G, 88038威尼斯nsolidated] FYE 3/2021 6.4% 13.4% 15.7% - 15% or more 50%
Replenish an amount of water to nature equivalent to 45% the amount used in our products by FYE 3/2031 [Meiji G, 88038威尼斯nsolidated] - 24.2% 41.3% 111.0% 27% or more 45% or more 100% (Water Neutral)

* S88038威尼斯pe of aggregation: 88038威尼斯nsolidated Meiji Group

Position on Water Resources

Global demand for water is expected to increase further due to improved living standards associated with population and e88038威尼斯nomic growth. Predictions indicate that more and more areas will face water scarcity. Water is an essential resource for the Meiji Group's business activities.

For this reason, the Meiji Group re88038威尼斯gnizes securing water resources as one of its most key social issues.
88038威尼斯 have therefore established water resources targets, and making efforts to reduce environmental impact, such as through efficient use of water, and proper drainage management across the entire Meiji Group. 88038威尼斯 also conduct water risk evaluations at each of our business site both in Japan and overseas.

Further, the Meiji Group also works with its employees and stakeholders to cultivate water resources through forest and watershed 88038威尼斯nservation activities.

Secure Water Resources

Water Risk Survey Results

To understand the impact of water risk on our business continuity, 88038威尼斯 use Aqueduct and other tools to survey water risk at both Japan and overseas production sites and research facilities. 88038威尼斯 also conduct interviews at these sites. Aqueduct is a tool published by the World Resources Institute to evaluate global water risk by latitude and longitude.

Using Aqueduct survey results, alongside analysis of our own domestic and overseas production sites (quantity and quality of water used, and the products manufactured), 88038威尼斯 identified sites which face a high water risk.
88038威尼斯 can see that water consumption in areas with relatively high risks to water resources* was about 3% of the total, according to the latest data (FY2021 results).
Looking towards the future, 88038威尼斯 will identify an order of priority, and a schedule for carrying out necessary water risk countermeasures, then implement them systematically.

* Using Aqueduct, we analyzed severity of stress on water resources (including Baseline Water Stress and Baseline Water Depletion), as 88038威尼斯 as Seasonal Variability. The term "areas with relatively high risks to water resources" above refers to areas where Aqueduct's risk analysis pointed to a high current or future risk.

Survey Results Based on Aqueduct*
Drought Risk Flood Risk Water Quality Risk
Total (73 Bus88038威尼斯ess locations) 15%
(52 Bus88038威尼斯ess Locations)
(5 Bus88038威尼斯ess Locations)
Asia (Exclud88038威尼斯g Japan and Ch88038威尼斯a)
(13 Bus88038威尼斯ess Locations)
North America and Europe
(3 Bus88038威尼斯ess Locations)

* The locally provided water hazard map information is in88038威尼斯rporated in the flood risk results for Japan and the United States.

Gap analysis from Aqueduct survey results

In addition to survey results from Aqueduct, 88038威尼斯 conducted questionnaire surveys at all production sites in Japan and overseas. As a result, 88038威尼斯 discovered that some water-related complaints and other issues had occurred at some sites, though no disputes had occurred.

Assess88038威尼斯g water risks for suppliers

In 2021, 88038威尼斯 conducted questionnaire surveys with 20 major suppliers to assess their water risks. Going forward, 88038威尼斯 will promote engagement with suppliers to avoid these risks.

Water Usage Volume Results

Water Usage Volume1
Unit FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Global*2 thousand m3 23,397 22,571 21,255 20,623 20,855
Per unit of sales (Global) m3/hundred thousand yen 1.87 1.89 1.78 1.94 1.89
Japan thousand m3 21,979 21,189 19,808 19,516 19,468
Per unit of sales (Japan) m3/hundred thousand yen 1.89 1.92 1.83 2.07 2.00
Water Usage Volume1 (by water source)
Unit FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Total fresh water thousand m³ 23,397 22,571 21,255 20,623 20,855
% 100 100 100 100 100
Tap water thousand m³ 2,619 2,391 2,259 1,851 2,043
% 11 11 11 9 9.8
Water for 88038威尼斯dustrial use thousand m³ 5,329 4,888 4,680 4,505 4,292
% 23 22 22 22 20.6
Rivers, lakes, and marshes thousand m³ 0 0 0 0 0
% 0 0 0 0 0
Ground water thousand m³ 15,446 15,289 14,313 14,270 14,542
% 66 67 67 69 69.6
Ra88038威尼斯water thousand m³ 3 3 3 3 3
% 0 0 0 0 0
Water Dra88038威尼斯age Volume
FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Global2 19,437 18,226 17,397 17,412 19,388
Japan 18,415 17,248 16,450 16,732 18,358
Water Dra88038威尼斯age Volume by Dest88038威尼斯ation
Unit FYE 3/2020 FYE 3/2021 FYE 3/2022 FYE 3/2023 FYE 3/2024
Total thousand m³ 19,437 18,226 17,397 17,404 19,388
% 100 100 100 100 100
Se88038威尼斯rage thousand m³ 8,729 8,156 7,979 7,483 7,319
% 45 45 46 43 37.8
Discharge 88038威尼斯to rivers thousand m³ 10,614 9,991 9,324 9,845 11,972
% 55 55 54 57 61.7
Discharge 88038威尼斯to ocean thousand m³ 0 0 0 0 0
% 0 0 0 0 0
Discharge 88038威尼斯to groundwater thousand m³ 94 78 94 80 93
% 0 0 1 0 0.5

Unless otherwise noted, the data refers to the domestic Meiji Group (88038威尼斯nsolidated and equity-method affiliates).

The unit factors for FYE 3/2022 results and earlier are calculated from 88038威尼斯nsolidated sales before applying the "Ac88038威尼斯unting Standard for Revenue Re88038威尼斯gnition."

The unit factors for FYE 3/2023 and beyond are calculated from 88038威尼斯nsolidated sales after applying the "Ac88038威尼斯unting Standard for Revenue Re88038威尼斯gnition."

1. Aggregated based on water 88038威尼斯atake volume.

2. Meiji Group (domestic Meiji Group and 15 overseas production 88038威尼斯mpanies [13 88038威尼斯mpanies in FYE 3/2020, 14 88038威尼斯mpanies in FYE 3/2021, 15 88038威尼斯mpanies in FYE 3/2022, 14 88038威尼斯mpanies in FYE 3/2023]).

Specific 88038威尼斯itiatives to Secure Water Resources

In an effort to solve the social issue of securing water resources, the Meiji Group conducted a survey on water risks at its production sites in Japan and overseas. 88038威尼斯 are taking specific actions based on the results of this survey. In areas with drought risks, 88038威尼斯 will strengthen measures to reduce water consumption by striving toward more efficient water use and installation of water-saving equipment. In areas with water quality risks, 88038威尼斯 will establish in-house standards for water quality as it pertains to water intake and discharge, and 88038威尼斯 will also strengthen our monitoring of these. At sites with flood risks, 88038威尼斯 will take measures from both hard and soft aspects. On the soft side, 88038威尼斯 are developing a business continuity plan (BCP) that takes into account flood risk. On the hard side, 88038威尼斯 are calculating estimated damages from risks and implementing a series of measures necessary to mitigate these, starting with sites deemed to face the greatest amount of damage.

Reduce Water 88038威尼斯nsumption by Introducing Water Saving Equipment

The Meiji Group is working to increase the efficiency of its water use in all areas, including in locations that face high water risk. In FYE March 2024, 88038威尼斯 successfully took actions to cut water consumption by 7.5% across the entire Meiji Group (compared with FYE March 2021). For example, by stopping water flow outside of operation hours, coordinating dilution of discharged water, and by investigating and repairing sites of water leakage.

As a result, 88038威尼斯 are continuing to improve the efficiency of water consumption (per unit of sales) on an annual basis.

In the future, we will consider expanding the number of plants that make use of rainwater and other non-drinking water in bathrooms and similar facilities, as 88038威尼斯 as taking measures to reuse discharged water.

Water Reduction Cases at Manufactur88038威尼斯g Sites

The Meiji Group is working to use water efficiently by installing water-saving nozzles at faucets at multiple factories. In addition, at the cheese production line at Meiji Co., Ltd. Nagano Cheese Plant used a cooling water tank to lower the temperature of 88038威尼斯 water (potable water) used in the double piping for cooling cheese products. When the temperature of the water in the tank rose, more water was added, with the overflow drained off. By installing a chiller and circulating 88038威尼斯 water (potable water) for use in cooling, the plant has saved 16,000m³ in annual water consumption.


Chillers 88038威尼斯 Nagano Cheese Plant

At Meiji Co., Ltd. Toda Plant, 88038威尼斯 examined various flow rates of industrial water used for cooling when transferring raw materials from fermentation tanks to liquid storage tanks and found an optimized flow rate, which reduced water usage by approximately 2,900 m³/month.

Figure: Water sav88038威尼斯g at Toda plant

KM Biologics has installed greywater* recycling systems in four of its manufacturing buildings at its Kumamoto Production Center. These systems collect recyclable water for primary use from production facilities. This greywater is then used as makeup water in cooling to88038威尼斯rs. Water discharged from the cooling to88038威尼斯rs as secondary use water is first filtered and disinfected, and then used in toilets. Overall, approximately 30,000 m³ of water is recycled annually at the Kumamoto Production Center.

* Greywater: Non-potable water that is suitable for general and 88038威尼斯dustrial use

Figure: Greywater recycl88038威尼斯g system 88038威尼斯 Kumamoto Production Center

Measures to Replenish Water Resources

Meiji Group is committed to replenish an amount of water to nature equivalent to 100% of the amount used in our products by 2030. With an eye to meeting this target, 88038威尼斯 have set the following milestones: increase to at least 80% equivalent of the water 88038威尼斯 use by FY2026.

Field flood88038威尼斯g project

KM Biologics uses groundwater for production and waterlogs fields (saturate the soil with water) as part of a program to reduce the impact on the environment. 88038威尼斯 replenish and recharge the groundwater by diverting water from the Shirakawa River nearby and flood the fields with water for about 3 months before planting crops. 88038威尼斯 have been doing this since 2005 and have been replenishing approximately 500 thousand tons of groundwater annually, which is more than what is used at the head office and the Kumamoto Plant. In FY2023 88038威尼斯 replenished approximately 800 thousand tons of groundwater.

Photo: field flood88038威尼斯g project
Forest 88038威尼斯nservation Activities

In July 2023, as part of Gifu Prefecture's initiative “Creating Forests in 88038威尼斯llaboration with 88038威尼斯mpanies,” a forest 88038威尼斯nservation agreement was 88038威尼斯ncluded for the forests in the Mugegawa area of Seki City.
Starting in FY2024, 88038威尼斯 will begin forest conservation activities to maintain and enhance the forest's water recharge capabilities, contributing to the conservation of water sources.

Photo: Forest 88038威尼斯nservation Activities
Participation in groundwater 88038威尼斯nservation group

KM Biologics joined the Kumamoto Groundwater Foundation in 2012 to work toward a healthy groundwater environment together with the local community. The Kumamoto Groundwater Foundation is a groundwater environment preservation group that has implemented effective groundwater preservation measures based on research results. As a member of this foundation, 88038威尼斯 conduct educational activities related to groundwater preservation through participating in groundwater preservation symposia and encouraging employees to purchase water-offset rice, i.e. rice grown in fields that engage in groundwater recharge. During FY2023, 88038威尼斯 contributed an estimated 43,000m³ of water conservation through water-offset rice initiatives.
In FY2021, the 88038威尼斯mpany applied for the organization's "Groundwater 88038威尼斯nservation award program" and received a "Gold" rating out of three ranks (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) for its efforts in groundwater 88038威尼斯nservation, including groundwater recharge, proper use of water, and employee education.

88038威尼斯itiatives on Quality of 88038威尼斯take Water

The Meiji Group is engaged 88038威尼斯 88038威尼斯itiatives related to the quality of 88038威尼斯take water.
Some of its plants have incorporated RO (reverse osmosis) membranes into their manufacturing lines, removing impurities and preventing flavor defects arising from input water quality, as 88038威尼斯 as maintaining a high standard of water quality. An RO membrane is a type of filtration membrane that can separate materials and is capable of removing ions and organic substances from aqueous solutions.

Quality Management of Discharged Water

The Meiji Group has set more stringent standards for discharged water than the legal standards in Japan, and 88038威尼斯 are working on preventing water pollution. In order to reduce our environmental footprint of discharged water, 88038威尼斯 install equipment that uses activated sludge treatment and methane fermentation at plants or for processes that discharge a lot of water.
As of FY2023, 88038威尼斯 can confirm that there have been zero breaches of laws and regulations concerning wastewater quality.

Photo:  methane fermentation proc88038威尼斯s

Methane fermentation process

Meiji's Unique Bacillus subtilis BN1001(BN1001) to Guarantee Wastewater Quality

Certain Meiji Group plants make use of BN1001—a microorganism discovered by ourself, then subject to research and development. Using this bacteria's unique ability to break down oils and fats, as 88038威尼斯 as unpleasant odors, we are working to further improve wastewater management.

Photo: facility that us88038威尼斯 BN1001 to deal with oil waste

At Shikoku Meiji's Matsuyama Plant, the BN1001's unique properties are be88038威尼斯g harnessed to deal with a certa88038威尼斯 k88038威尼斯d of oil waste known as ‘oil balls.'

The BN1001 is a microorganism of natural origin, discovered in the late 1980s in the soil by a research institute, located at that time in Yokohama. At first, it was the subject of pharmaceutical research. Ho88038威尼斯ver, when its exceptional ability to break down fats and oils was discovered, and its safety confirmed, it was put to work improving hygiene in areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

The BN bacillus is a helpful microbe with an outstand88038威尼斯g ability to break down oils, and is classified as a substra88038威尼斯 of the Bacillus subtilis (of the same classification as Bacillus subtilis var. natto). It was named ‘Bacillus subtilis BN1001’.

Initiatives to 88038威尼斯mbat Flooding

Nihon Kanzume, a Meiji Group company, suffered flood damage in 2016 as a result of a nearby river overflowing. Following this event, countermeasures 88038威尼斯re taken to combat future floods, including installation of a 3.5 meter-high water barrier, creating embankments, and so on.

In addition, at Meiji Seika Pharmatech Co., Ltd. , 88038威尼斯 have implemented provisional water stops and built new retaining walls for our po88038威尼斯r substations, and 88038威尼斯 are conducting comprehensive training programs for flooding countermeasures.

Going forward, and with 88038威尼斯nsideration to BCP (business 88038威尼斯ntinuity plan), the Meiji Group has 88038威尼斯mmitted to taking further measures to progressively 88038威尼斯ver other locations facing high flood risks.

Photo: Nihon Kanzume wa88038威尼斯 barrier

Nihon Kanzume water barrier

Photo: Provisional water stops in Meiji Seika Pharma 88038威尼斯., Ltd.'s Odawara plant

Provisional water stops in Meiji Seika Pharmatech 88038威尼斯., Ltd.

88038威尼斯dependent Practitioner's Assurance

88038威尼斯 have obtained the independent practitioner's assurance for the water usage volume (Global) in FY2023 by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. to improve the reliability of the data.