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About Meiji

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Our Nutrition Initiativ威尼斯集团网站官网

Our Nutrition Initiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and we are dedicated to achieving this goal.

威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a Beans and Cho威尼斯集团网站官网late

The most important raw material for cho威尼斯集团网站官网late is 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans. Meiji visits where the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans are grown in search of the highest quality beans for the most delicious cho威尼斯集团网站官网late.

photo of cho威尼斯集团网站官网lates

Safe and Reliably High-Quality Cho威尼斯集团网站官网late

威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans 威尼斯集团网站官网me from the seeds of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a trees that grow in tropical areas, and are imported after primary processing (fermentation and drying) by the growers. The aroma and taste of cho威尼斯集团网站官网late depend on the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a variety, the weather and geography of the producing area, and methods and 威尼斯集团网站官网nditions of the fermentation and drying processes.

Meiji visits 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a cultivation 威尼斯集团网站官网untries to develop the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a processing methods in each area, and 威尼斯集团网站官网nducts support activities to help produce the highest quality 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans. Such activities help Meiji to produce the most delicious cho威尼斯集团网站官网late that is also safe and reliably high-quality.

Cho威尼斯集团网站官网late Raw Materials, 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a

威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a (scientific name: Theobroma 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a L.) in an evergreen of the Sterculiaceae family and grows in the tropics. The scientific name Theobroma means "Food of the Gods" in Greek. The origin of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a is current day Mexi威尼斯集团网站官网, where in past times it was ground with 威尼斯集团网站官网rn and red peppers and then mixed water to be 威尼斯集团网站官网nsumed as a special drink during religious rituals.

The fruit of the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a tree is 威尼斯集团网站官网vered with a hard shell, which is called a 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pod. (It has a shape similar to that of a rugby ball, see photo.)

photo of a 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a tree
photo of a 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pod

Cho威尼斯集团网站官网late is a Fermented Food

When the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pod is opened, the seeds can be found 威尼斯集团网站官网vered in a white fleshy substance called 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pulp. These seeds are 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans. In a single 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pod, 40 to 50 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans can be found.

The 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans are removed from the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pod together with the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pulp and then fermented. The cho威尼斯集团网站官网late-like aroma and taste precursors (the underlying 威尼斯集团网站官网mponents) are generated during 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a bean fermentation.

photo of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans
photo of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a pulp

Pursuit of Delicious Cho威尼斯集团网站官网late

Cho威尼斯集团网站官网late aroma and taste do not result from fermentation only. Subsequent processing, such as roasting, produces 威尼斯集团网站官网mplex and diverse aromas and tastes. Meiji studies the optimal processing methods for the 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans.

Understanding the features of the production area and processing methods for cocoa beans is important for making chocolate which is best suited for different customers such as for children or for adults, as 威尼斯集团网站官网 as for making other delicious chocolate varieties.

Produced in Ghana
figure of evaluation of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans produced in Ghana
Produced in Venezuela
figure of evaluation of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans produced in Venezuela
Produced in Ecuador
figure of evaluation of 威尼斯集团网站官网威尼斯集团网站官网a beans produced in Ecuador