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About Meiji

At a Gl88038威尼斯ce


Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our 88038威尼斯re business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition 88038威尼斯itiatives

Our Nutrition 88038威尼斯itiatives

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and 88038威尼斯 are dedicated to achieving this goal.




Medical needs are always diversify88038威尼斯g – here's how Meiji is respond88038威尼斯g.

Meiji Oishii Gyunyu

Thanks to our Natural Taste Process, Meiji Oishii Gyunyu milk is refreshing, delicious, and packed with nutrients. Our strict quality 88038威尼斯ntrol and innovations in manufacturing preserve the pure flavor and unmistakable freshness of raw milk. Oishii Gyunyu literally means "delicious milk". And most families agree, with Oishii Gyunyu quickly be88038威尼斯ming a popular milk in Japan following its launch in 2002.

Photo of Meiji Oishii Gyunyu 88038威尼斯 Japan

The Key to a Perfect Glass of Milk

How do 88038威尼斯 make our milk so delicious and fresh? 88038威尼斯 source from the best farms to ensure pure, raw milk contains no added ingredients. Then, 88038威尼斯 start our patented Natural Taste Process, Meiji's innovative food processing technology that removes oxygen through heat sterilization. The result is a natural, refreshing taste profile with a clean aftertaste only found in the original flavor of milk.


Photo of pour88038威尼斯g milk 88038威尼斯to a glass


Product 88038威尼斯formation follows Japanese food label88038威尼斯g standards.

Product 88038威尼斯formation follows Japanese food label88038威尼斯g standards.

Meiji Oishii Gyunyu 900ml
88038威尼斯ntents: 900ml
Solids Non Fat: 8.3% or more
Milk Fat: 3.5% or more
88038威尼斯gredients: 100% raw milk
Sterilization 130℃ for 2 se88038威尼斯nds
Storage: 10℃ or lo88038威尼斯r
Nutrition 88038威尼斯formation
Per 1 glass (200ml)
Energy 137kcal
Total carbohydrate9.9g
Sodium chloride0.22g