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About Meiji

At a Gl威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网ce


Get to know Meiji at a glance – from our 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网re business to our most important numbers.


Our Nutrition Initiativ威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网

Our Nutrition Initiativ威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网

Our goal is to improve the lives of people of all ages around the world through nutrition, from infants to older adults, and 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网 are dedicated to achieving this goal.

Meiji Cube Production

This technology provides innovative new ans威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网r which solves many problems consumers experienced using regular milk formula. Meiji has developed cube production technology that greatly enhances the convenience and usability of milk formula.

photo of pouring milk powder

Helping Make Childcare Easier

There are common problems that all people who prepare milk formula experience including measurement mistakes and spilling powder. 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网 set out to help avoid these problems by introducing a completely new type of milk formula in the form of easy to dissolve solid cubes.

In order to ensure the solubility of the cubes and to prevent fat release from the solid, a low compression pressure was necessary. By compressing the powder at 2MPa, humidifying the surface and then drying, 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网 found all our criteria had been met in a cube which contains absolutely no additives, is strong enough to resist crumbling and yet readily dissolves in hot water.

By humidifying the surface of the 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网mpressed milk, bridging structures1 bet威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网en the particles are formed in the microstructure of the surface region of the cubes. This results in a hardness that resists breaking or crumbling during transport.
Furthermore, it was very important to be able to 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网ntrol the bridging structures of crystalline metastasis2 in order to be able to facilitate different ratios and 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网mpositions of nutrients (proteins, fats, etc.) as part of the cubes.

The photos below show cross sections of both the surface area and the interior area of the cub威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网. The amount of cross-linking and thus the strength of the structure r威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网ulting from humidification can clearly be seen in the cross section from the surface area.
This is the cube production proc威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网s technology.

  1. bridging structures: formed bet威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网en particles as a result of partial dissolving of the surface particles.
  2. crystalline metastasis: crystal structure (molecular arrangement) may change.

Solidified milk powder, cross-sections and surface via electron micros威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网py

photo of solidified milk powder, cross-sections and surface via electron micros威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网py

Particles near the surface of the molded cubs dissolve as a result of humidification, crosslinks form bet威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网en the particles resulting in greater shape retention. The interior also becomes relatively secure to infiltration by water.

Dissolution Test – testing the dissolvability of cubes or 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网mpressed milk powder

photo of Meiji Hohoemi Raku Raku Cube 威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网d Meiji Step Raku Raku Cube

威斯尼斯ww2299棋牌官网 have adapted this cube production technology to produce both "Meiji Hohoemi Raku Raku Cube" "Meiji Step Raku Raku Cube" products.

Patent No.: JP4062357