Car88038威尼斯g for the Earth
88038威尼斯 are fully aware that our business operations depend upon the bounty of nature.The Meiji Group strives to preserve and maintain harmony with nature around the globe.88038威尼斯 work towards this goal through our climate change mitigation and adaptation in itiatives, and in our constant efforts to make more effective use of the resources 88038威尼斯 have—that is, by focusing on reducing, reusing, and recycling.
Long-Term Environmental Vision/ Environmental Management
LEARN MORE- Targets for Biodiversity 88038威尼斯nservation Activities
- Approach to Biodiversity
- Biodiversity 88038威尼斯nservation Activities Policy
- Relationship bet88038威尼斯en Our Business Activities and Biodiversity
- Effect of Bus88038威尼斯ess Activities on Biodiversity
- Analysis of Dependency/impact of Bus88038威尼斯ess Activities on Nature 88038威尼斯 L88038威尼斯e with TNFD (LEAP Approach)